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D-Day Lamp of Peace Ceremony

80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings

Chudleigh Knighton War Memorial

6th June 9.15pm

Setting the scene of 80 years ago

Steven Chown

Lighting the Lamp

Cllr. Graham Tully and Cllr. Phil Baker (Chair and Vice Chair of Hennock Parish Council)


We light this lamp to commemorate the ultimate sacrifice made by brave men and women across the globe. The light from its flame will represent the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of war.

The Tribute

Cllr. Kate Willett

Let us remember those who gave their lives at home and abroad during the D-Day landings, whose sacrifice enables us all to enjoy the peace and freedom we have today.


Cllr. Pam Rogers

Let us remember those who came home wounded, physically and mentally, and the friends and family who  cared for them.


Keith Miller

Let us remember those who returned to restore their relationships and rebuild their working lives after years of conflict and turmoil.


Janet Miller

Let us remember the families that lost husbands, wives, sons, daughters and sweethearts.


Gillian Millington

Let us remember the servicemen and women and merchant seafarers of all nationalities from all countries - who fought, suffered and died during the D-Day landings and six years of war.


Lucie Malcolm

Let us all remember those in the Royal Navy, Army, Royal  Air Force, Merchant Navy, and our Allies - the brave people who  kept us sate on the home front and abroad and those in reserved occupations during the difficult time of war.


Jeffrey Dobinson

Let us remember the brave doctors and nurses who cared for the wounded, the men and women who toiled in the fields, the coal mines, the factories and the air raid wardens, police officers, firemen, ambulance drivers and the young people of the Scouts and Guides who all played such a vital role in the war.



I Vow to thee my Country



Farewell and Closing Prayer 

Revd. Alex Sharp

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