Promoting Nature and Green Spaces
This section will include news and ideas about how we can protect wildlife and the environment.
No Mow May
The number of butterflies, bees and other insects and small mammals has fallen dramatically in recent years. Butterflies are considered to be a significant indicator of the health of the environment and Butterfly Count, which monitors their numbers in the UK, have reported that since 1976, 76% of butterflies have declined either in abundance or distribution. We shall explore ways in which we can increase their numbers again in the Parish and adopting a No Mow May approach where it is possible and the planting of more wildflowers.
The planting of new trees and Tree Protection Orders
Have you considered planting a tree in you garden? Every tree planted helps take CO2 out if the atmosphere and native trees provide a home and habitat for a range of creatures. The Woodland Trust has reported that over 2,300 species are supported by an oak tree! Older Trees play a vital role, both by providing a habitat for wildlife and reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and whilst the Parish Council does not have the final say in which trees receive TPOs but will provide Teignbridge District Council with relevant information to help them make informed decisions.
Hedgehog Highways
Rural hedgehogs, which can travel over one mile a night, have unfortunately reduced by approximately 50% in recent years. You can help with them by creating a 6 inch (13cm) hole at the bottom your fence or boundary wall (although get your neighbour’s permission first!) or if you are creating a new boundary consider using a hedge rather than a fence. There you are interested there is a lot of information about Hedgehog Highways on the internet.
The Big Butterfly Count
The Big Butterfly count, run by Butterfly Conservation, is currently taking place. This is an annual event that helps monitor the status of different Butterfly species in the UK.